





是不是每次搬家的时候都一个头两个大? Does it mean that every time you move, you have a big head or two?   快来学几招,从今以后你就是整理搬家小达人啦! Come and learn a few tricks. From now on, you'll be the one to make the move.   老外搬家小技巧 Foreigners move small tricks   整理一个“过夜包”,把所有生活必需品先装起来,等新家兵荒马乱的第一晚,你会回来感谢我的。 Organize a "overnight bag" and put all the necessities in front of you, and you'll be back to thank me for the first night of your new home.   把搬家之后首先需要的东西,放在透明盒子里,什么剪刀纸巾手机充电器。 Put the first thing you need after moving, and put it in a transparent box.   你不需要那么多的泡泡纸,衣服用来包盘子等易碎品的话比较方便,当然泡泡纸痴迷者另算。 You don't need that much bubble wrap, it's easy to use clothes for items such as plates and plates, and of course bubble wrap is another.   搬家前,先把新家的卫生间和厨房打扫出来。 Before moving, clean up your new home's bathroom and kitchen.   在粉饼眼影之类的盒子里放上棉花球或者化妆棉,否则它们碎了我们的心也会一起碎。 Put a cotton ball or a cotton pad in a box like a pancake eye shadow, otherwise they break our hearts and break together.   所有能拧开的化妆品洗衣液瓶子,都在里面包一层保鲜膜再重新拧上。 All the toiletry detergent bottles, which can be wrung out, are on a layer of plastic wrap and rescrewed.   你妈是不是没告诉你,竖着放盘子不容易碎? Didn't your mother tell you that standing on the plate was not easy to break?   如果要搬走五斗柜,抽屉不用掏干净,直接用保鲜膜包起来,剩下的柜体还更好搬运。 If you want to remove the chest of drawers, the drawers don't have to be cleaned, and the rest of the cabinets are better handled with the plastic wrap.   不要把挂着的衣服一件一件叠起来,整体装到大袋子里到了再挂上,当小编发现这种方法的时候感动到眼泪都要掉下来了。 Don't put the hanging clothes one by one stack up, the whole to the big bag to hang, moved to tears when found this small make up is down.   用小包装袋把螺丝之类分类包好,写上是桌子还是窗帘。 Wrap the screws in a small packet, and put them in a table or a curtain.   不用那么多纸箱子,你的洗衣篮筐子行李箱只要结实的都用来装东西好啦。 You don't need a lot of paper boxes, and your laundry basket case is only as good as the hard stuff.   在你把电视电脑上的线扯下来之前,一定先照张照片。 Before you pull the wires off your computer, take a picture.


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