Moving and cleaning work
When moving, we must pay attention to the protection of valuables and furniture. The furniture mainly includes sofa, bookcase, wardrobe, bed, piano, table, chair and so on. These all belong to large items. It is also the most difficult to move when moving. It usually takes 2-4 people to carry, and it is also the easiest to bump the dirty. How to avoid bumping and avoiding dirty problems?
1. Wipe the dirty leather sofa with egg white. Wipe a clean flannelette with some egg white. It can remove stains and make the skin bright.
2、用牙膏擦拭冰箱外壳。冰箱外壳的一般污 垢,可用软布蘸少许牙膏慢慢擦拭。如果污迹较顽固,可多挤一些牙膏再用布反复擦拭。冰箱即会恢复光洁。因为牙膏中含有研磨剂,去污力非常强。
2, wipe the refrigerator shell with toothpaste. The general dirt of the refrigerator shell can be cleaned with soft cloth dipped in a little toothpaste. If the stain is stubborn, you can squeeze some toothpaste and wipe it repeatedly with cloth. The refrigerator will be clean and clean. Because toothpaste contains abrasives, the detergency is very strong.
3、蘸牛奶擦木制家具。取一块干净的抹布在过期不能饮用的牛奶里浸一下,然后用此抹布擦抹桌子、柜子等木制家具,去污效果非常好,后再用清水擦一遍。油漆过的家具沾染了灰尘,可用湿纱布包裹的茶叶渣去擦,或用冷茶水擦洗,会更加光洁明亮 。
3, dipped in the milk and rubbed the wooden furniture. Take a clean cloth in the overdue milk that can not be drunk, and then use this cloth to wipe the table, cabinet and other wooden furniture, the effect of decontamination is very good, then rinse with clean water. The painted furniture is stained with dust. It can be cleaned with wet gauze wrapped tea leaves or scrubbed with cold tea. It will be brighter and brighter.
4, white radish scrubbing table cut white radish with cleaning agent scrubbing kitchen table, will produce unexpected cleaning effect, also can be replaced with sliced cucumber and carrots, but the effect of white radish is good.
5、酒精清洗毛绒沙发?毛绒布料的沙发可用毛刷蘸少许稀释的酒精扫刷一遍,再用电吹风吹干,如遇上果汁污渍,用1茶匙苏打粉与清水调匀,再用布沾上擦抹, 污渍便会减退。
5, alcohol cleaning wool sofa? Wool fabric sofa can be dipped in a few diluted alcohol brush once, and then blow dry with a hair dryer, such as the fruit juice stains, with 1 teaspoon powder and clean water, and then rubbed with cloth, stains will be reduced.