





1、大门正对电梯或楼梯,是犯冲,本来住宅是聚气养生之所,如今与电梯、楼梯直对,宅内之生气则被其尽数吸去,可谓大忌。补救之法则是在进门处要用屏风或玄关隔开。 1, the door of the elevator or stairs, is serious, the original place of residence has been keeping in good health, now with straight to the elevators, stairs, all in this angry about is the suction, is a no-no. The rule of remedy is to use a screen or porch to separate the entrance. 2、大门与阳台如成一直,也需要用屏风或玄关隔开,因为前后通透,可以一眼看透大门与阳台,谚云:“前通后通,人财两空。”并且穿堂风拂动,易令人得病。 2, such as doors and balcony into has, also need to use screen or porch separated, because before and after connect fully, can look through the door and balcony, proverbs cloud: "tong tong, after before the goods." And it's easy to get sick from the wind. 3、如果大门口直对长走廊,这也是冲煞,走廊越长,对家居越不利,这叫穿心剑格局,若门内无屏风阻隔,则不宜居住。 3, if the gate to the long corridor, it is also a rush evil spirit, the longer the corridor, to living in the adverse, this call wear heart sword pattern, cut off when the screen door, uninhabitable. 4、若房子的窗户开在走廊之外,属于泄气的格局,住宅的私隐性则荡然无存,对家居也不利。另外,房子里的窗户太多则泄气,房子里窗户太少,则少生气,都属不吉,应加以改变。 4, if the window of the house is open in the corridor, belong to the pattern of discouragement, the private recessive of the house is gone, be opposite to the household. In addition, the window in the house is too much to be discouraged, the window in the house is too few, be less angry, all belong to not ji, should change. 5、大门不能正对厕门,试想人一进门就见到厕所,则住宅的功能何在?另外,睡房门与厕所门也不能正对,卧室与卧室门也不能正对,这些都犯了门冲。 5, the gate can't be right to the toilet door, imagine a person walk in the door to see toilet, what is the function of the house? In addition, bedroom door and toilet door also can't be right, bedroom and bedroom door also cannot be right, these all make door blunt.


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