1. Pull out the plug one day before the refrigerator moves, defrost and
remove the moisture. After moving to the new house, please leave it for
30 minutes and then turn on the electricity.
2, the TV tape is used to fasten the TV plug and fix it.
3, the computer put all your documents in floppy or compressed files,
packed with special computer boxes and protective materials. Attention
should be paid to keeping away from TV, sound and other electrical
appliances that may produce magnetic fields; if not, put them in foam
boxes and put them in cartons (for example, polyvinyl foam plastic,
blankets, wrinkled paper, etc.). Put the computer on the outside.
4、打印机 把调色板和托盘从激光器或喷墨打印机上取下,再用一张纸插入针打印机的压纸卷筒内。
4. The printer removes the palette and tray from the laser or inkjet
printer and inserts a piece of paper into the paper roller of the
5、照明器具 先将灯具装箱,并且在灯具周围放些报纸让其固定,不用封箱,使搬运者能看见。
5. Lighting appliances should be packed first, and some newspapers
should be placed around the lamps to fix them, without sealing the box,
so that the porter can see.
7、音响 用毛巾等物品包好装箱来保护。
7. The sound is packed and packed with towel and other items to protect it.
8、床 拆取下的螺丝零件装塑胶袋里封口,用胶带把床头板粘住,以免遗落。
8. The screw parts removed from the bed are sealed in plastic bags and
glued to the headboard with adhesive tape so as not to be lost.
9、桌子 先用胶带把抽屉、柜门粘好,再用厚纸皮将四个桌角用胶带固定保护,再用绳包裹桌角以防止损坏。
9. Tables are first taped to the drawers and cabinet doors, and then
thick paper is used to secure the four corner tables with tape, and then
rope wrapped around the corner tables to prevent damage.
10、橱柜 先将抽屉里的物品取出,再用胶带将各抽屉贴好固定;取出的物品再装入纸箱、搬运起来非常方便。
10. The cabinet first takes out the items in the drawer, and then pastes
the drawers with adhesive tape to fix them; the items taken out are
then loaded into cartons, which are very convenient to carry.
11、梳妆台 为了让搬运者知道有面镜子,所以要用透明发泡布将镜面包好,化妆品用纸包好分别装入塑胶袋内。
11, dressing table in order to let the porter know that there is a
mirror, so to use transparent foam cloth will be good mirror bread,
cosmetics wrapped in paper into plastic bags.
12、画类 用美工刀在纸袋的两边各割上三条痕,就可将所有的广告用纸或画卷好置于纸袋的两侧搬运。袋子里还可放其他的东西。
12. Painting with a knife on the two sides of the paper bag cut three
marks, you can put all the advertising paper or scroll on both sides of
the paper bag to carry. You can put other things in the bag.
13、书本、杂志 将书本十字型地捆好,转折的地方用厚纸皮保护。
13, books and magazines bind the books in a crisscross way. The turning points are protected by thick paper skin.
14、锅类 先用报纸包裹从大到小重叠。用绳穿过锅把打成十字交叉。
14, the pot is first wrapped in newspapers and overlapped from big to small. Cross the pot with a rope.
15、刀刃 先用厚纸皮将刀刃面包好,再用胶布粘好固定。
15, knife blade first use thick paper leather to finish cutting the blade, then stick it with adhesive tape.
16、餐具类 餐具先用纸重叠包好,餐盘等水平的放在纸箱内,叉子汤匙4-5只绑在一起收好。
16. Cutlery and utensils should be wrapped in paper overlap. The plates
should be placed in cartons horizontally. 4-5 fork spoons should be tied
together and put away.
17、瓶装类 先分别装入塑胶袋内,用报纸卷好装入纸箱,再将纸箱间隔以十字型绑好,在交叉的地方打上结。
17. Bottling is first packed in plastic bags, rolled up in cartons with
newspapers, and then tied with a cross between the cartons, knotted at
the intersections.
18、唱片、CD、VCD、DVD 将内衣放**下层,洋装等对折放入箱里重叠,容易潮湿的衣物、皮大衣等衣物可放于茶叶的箱子防潮。
18. Records, CDs, VCDs, DVDs will put underwear in the lower layer,
dresses and other folding into the box overlap, easy to damp clothing,
leather coats and other clothing can be placed in the tea box
19、花瓶 先用毛巾将花瓶包好,再将它放进纸箱里,大件的瓷器就用旧浴巾包好,不要忘了在纸箱上面注明"易碎物品、小心轻放"等字样。
19. The vase is wrapped in a towel and then put in a carton. The large
pieces of porcelain are wrapped in old towels. Don't forget to mark the
words "fragile articles, put them carefully" on the carton.
20、古董 先装入木箱或用安全的方法包装。木箱必须牢固,避免容易损坏物品。
20, antiques should be packed in wooden cases or packed in a safe way.
Wooden boxes must be strong enough to avoid damage to articles.
21、衣类 将内衣放下层,洋装等对折放入箱里重叠,容易潮湿的衣物、皮大衣等衣物可放于茶叶的箱子防潮。
21. Clothes will lay down the underwear layer, dresses and other folding
into the box overlap, easy to damp clothes, leather coats and other
clothing can be put in the tea box moisture-proof.
22、棉被 由轻到重地慢重叠起来,然后再用棉被袋由上往下地牢牢套好,请不要在棉被里放易碎物品。
22. The quilts overlap slowly from light to heavy, then fasten them with
quilt bags from top to bottom. Please do not put fragile objects in the
23, pajamas and toiletries and other personal belongings in the trunk are very convenient.
24、各类小东西 饰品等零零散散的小东西可以利用月饼盒,只要用胶带粘封就可以。
24. All kinds of small things such as ornaments scattered small things
can use the moon cake box, as long as the adhesive tape can be sealed.
25、贵重物品 现金、贵重金饰品、帐本等贵重物品一定要随身携带。
25, valuables cash, precious gold jewelry, books and other valuables must be carried with them.
26、危险物品 无论是您自己搬运或搬家公司,有些物品是禁运的,一定要处理隔开搬运。危险品: 包括任何易燃、易腐蚀及易爆品,如:油漆、油漆稀释剂、指甲油、指甲油脱涂剂、汽油、机动车机油、清洁溶剂、漂白剂、灭虫剂。
26. Hazardous goods, whether you carry them yourself or move them to a
company, some of them are prohibited and must be handled separately.
Dangerous goods: including any inflammable, corrosive and explosive
materials, such as paint, paint thinner, nail polish, nail polish
remover, gasoline, motor oil, cleaning solvent, bleach, insecticide.