冰箱外壳的一般污垢,可用软布蘸少许牙膏慢慢擦拭。如果污迹较顽固,可多挤一些牙膏再用布反复擦拭。冰箱即会恢复光洁。因为牙膏中含有研磨剂,去污力非常强。这些小技巧都是我们平时比较少用到的,而且不怎么重视的。原木家具可用水质蜡水直接喷在家具表面,再用柔软干布抹干,家具便会光洁明亮。如果发现表面有刮痕,可先涂上鱼肝油,待一天后用 湿布擦拭。此外,用浓的盐水擦拭,可防止木质朽坏,延长家具的寿命。
The general dirt on the refrigerator shell can be wiped slowly with a little toothpaste dipped in a soft cloth. If the stain is stubborn, squeeze more toothpaste and wipe it repeatedly with a cloth. The refrigerator will be restored to a smooth finish. Because the toothpaste contains abrasives, the decontamination is very strong. These little skills are seldom used by us, and we don't pay much attention to them. Log furniture can be directly sprayed on the surface of furniture with water quality wax water, and then wiped dry with soft dry cloth, the furniture will be bright and clean. If scratches are found on the surface, apply cod liver oil first, and then wipe with a damp cloth after one day. In addition, wipe with strong brine, can prevent wood from decaying, prolong the life of furniture.
还有就是其他一些木制家私的清洁。蘸牛奶擦木制家具。取一块干净的抹布在过期不能饮用的牛奶里浸一下,然后用此抹布擦抹桌子、柜子等木制家具,去污效果非常好,后再用清水擦一遍。油漆过的家具沾染了灰尘,可用湿纱布包裹的茶叶渣去擦,或用冷茶水擦洗,会更加光洁明亮 。
There are other wooden furniture cleaning. Dip in the milk to wipe the wooden furniture. Take a clean rag and soak it in the milk that is out of date and can't be drunk. Then use this rag to wipe the wooden furniture such as table and cabinet. The decontamination effect is very good, and then use water to wipe it again. Painted furniture stained with dust can be wiped with tea dregs wrapped in wet gauze, or with cold tea water, which will be more bright and clean.