搬家选日子时有什么讲究吗? |
添加时间:2017/7/24 14:44:27 浏览次数: |
一、天气。搬家是一件很开心的事情,当然要选择一个阳光明媚的好天气啦,我相信没有一个人喜欢在下雨天选择搬家,所以搬家之前一定要提前看天气预报 。 The weather. Moving is a very happy thing, of course, want to choose a sunny weather, I believe that no one like to move on a rainy day, so be sure to watch the weather forecast in advance before moving. 二、时间。我们先不说具体选择哪天搬家,但是记住一点,搬家最好是选择在上午进行,因为上午太阳刚刚出来,给人一种很愉悦的感觉,而且上午搬家也不会那么热。 Second, time. Regardless of the specific we choose which day move, but remember that move is to choose the best in the morning, because the sun has just come out in the morning, give a person a kind of happy feeling, and move wouldn't be so hot in the morning. 三、路段。从选择搬家的路段,如果有大路和小路可以选择,最好是选择大路,虽然大路上可能人多,但是大路视野好,阳光充足,在一定意义可以增加吉气。 3. Road sections. From the move, if there is great and the small can choose, it is best to choose the road, though the road may be more people, nice view, but the road sunshine, in a sense can increase the gas. 四、当天。这里要重点说一下,到了搬家的那天,一定不要空手进新家,最好拿点贵重的东西,或者是五谷大米之类的东西。不要问我为什么,因为我会告诉你,就是讨吉利。杭州长短途搬家公司 The day. It's important to say that when it comes to moving, don't go into your new home empty-handed. It's better to take something valuable, or a grain of rice or something like that. Don't ask me why, because I'll tell you, it's luck. Hangzhou long distance moving company 一、生肖及生日。搬家时,最好不要选择和家人生肖,尤其是屋主的生肖相刑冲。因为一般来说,日子冲谁的生肖,就对谁不利。例如:子午冲、丑未冲、寅申冲、卯酉冲、辰戌冲、巳亥冲。寅巳申刑、丑戌未刑、子卯刑、辰辰、午午、酉酉、亥亥自刑。 One, animal signs and birthdays. When moving, it is better not to choose the animals and animals, especially the house owner's zodiac. Because generally speaking, the day of the Chinese zodiac, to whom the disadvantage. For example: the meridian chong, the ugly unwashed, the moon shenchong, the MAO youzi-chong, Chen xuanchong, the three - hail. He had been sentenced to death, but he had not been sentenced to death. 二、新房屋坐向。我们最好先看看自己的新家的朝向,因为取五行不能相斗的含义,犯了相斗,则家宅不安。例如:朝东忌在巳、酉、丑日子搬家。朝西者忌在亥、卯、未日子搬屋。朝南者忌在申、子、辰日子搬屋。坐北者忌在寅、午、戌日子搬屋。 Two, new house sit to. We'd better look at the orientation of our new home first, because the five lines can't be the meaning of the fighting, and the family is upset. For example: it is the third, the unitary and the ugly days to move to the east. The west will not live in the house of hai. The south Korean people are not to move the house in the days of shen, zi and Chen. The people who sit north avoid the house in the days of Yin, the noon and the day. 三、屋主生日。因为从古至今,历来都讲究阴阳和谐,纯阳纯阴都不好。因此,我们可以看屋主的生日,如果是阳干,那么就选择阴时的日子搬家最好。 Third, house main birthday. Because from ancient times, has always been exquisite Yin and Yang harmony, pure Yang pure Yin is not good. Therefore, we can see the birthday of the owner, if it is the Yang dry, then choose the day of the Yin to move the best. 四、五行属性。从五行属性的角度,搬屋尽量选择水日,避免火日,水日就是壬癸亥子日,火日就是丙丁已午日,这个可以通过万年历查询。另外,每个地方的风俗习惯可能都存在一定的差异,这里就不一一叙述。 Four, five line properties. From the point of view of the five-row property, we can choose the water day to avoid the fire day. The water day is the day of the undecyl, and the fire day is the noon of the year, which can be checked by the perpetual calendar. In addition, there may be some differences in the customs of each place, which is different from the other. |
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