搬家常识之搬家后的家具清洁 |
添加时间:2019/2/18 15:21:19 浏览次数: |
乔迁之喜,搬到新家之后,大扫除也是必须的,这里为您提供一些小窍门供您参考: After moving to a new home, cleaning is also necessary. Here are some tips for your reference: 1.原木家具清洁方法,可以用水质蜡水喷在其表面,然后用干抹布擦干,另外,浓盐水擦,还可以延长家具寿命。 1. Log furniture cleaning method, can be sprayed with water quality wax water on its surface, and then wiped with dry cloth, in addition, strong salt water wipe, can also extend the life of furniture. 2.酒精擦洗毛绒沙发,毛绒布料的沙发可以用毛刷子蘸着稀释后的酒精擦一遍,如果加入一勺苏打粉,还可以去污渍。 2. Alcohol scrubs the plush sofa, plush cloth sofa can be dipped in the diluted alcohol brush once, if you add a spoonful of soda powder, you can also remove stains. 3.牙膏擦冰箱外壳,牙膏中的研磨剂,有很强的去污力。 3. Toothpaste rubs the refrigerator shell, the abrasive in toothpaste, has the very strong decontamination power.baojijil.89ix.com namimumen.89ix.comdipingc.89ix.com fengguanl.89ix.comshuiguan.89ix.comzhicaoz.89ix.com 4.蛋清擦真皮沙发,汲取无忧可以使得皮沙发显得光亮。 4. Egg whites wipe the leather sofa, draw carefree can make the leather sofa appear bright. 5.白萝卜配清洁剂擦厨房台面,比用小黄瓜和胡萝卜的效果更好。 5. White radish with detergent wipes the kitchen countertop better than cucumber and carrot. 6.用牛奶擦普通的木制家具,有非常好的去污效果,用湿布包着茶叶渣擦油漆过的家具,也有很好的效果。 6. Rubbing ordinary wooden furniture with milk has a very good decontamination effect. Rubbing painted furniture with tea residue wrapped in wet cloth also has a very good effect. 7.用盐可以去除地毯上的汤汁留下的污渍。 7. Salt can remove the stains left by the soup on the carpet. 8.苹果核去油污,因为果核中含有果胶,而果胶则具有去除油垢的作用。 8. Degreasing of apple pit, because the pit contains pectin, and pectin has the effect of removing grease scale. 9.将保鲜膜贴在厨房临近灶台的墙上,可以使平时炒菜的油污全部附在保鲜膜上,保鲜膜脏了之后可以揭下来,再换上一张,但墙面却可以一直保持干净,不会变脏。 9. Sticking the film on the wall near the kitchen stove can make the oil stain of fried vegetables attach to the film. After the film is dirty, it can be uncovered and replaced, but the wall can be kept clean and not dirty. |
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