搬家时一定要多说些吉祥话 |
添加时间:2019/11/20 15:30:40 浏览次数: |
搬家时带上柴米油盐,燃灶烧水 Bring firewood, rice, oil, salt and water with you when you move 如果搬家时路途遥远,那么随身行李中要带一把米、一把泥土和一小瓶水去新家。尤其是对于从一个省市搬到另一省市更应如此,如此还能够防止水土不服和思念家乡。 If you move far away, take a handful of rice, a handful of clay and a small bottle of water with you to your new home. This is especially true for moving from one province to another, which can also prevent acclimatization and homesickness. 燃灶烧水的时刻,即为乔迁当日的吉日吉时,更为迁入新居的起运时刻。此时,可同时采取鸣炮等方式进行庆贺。 The time to burn the stove and boil the water is the auspicious time on the day of relocation, and the time to move into the new house. At this time, the celebration can be carried out by firing guns and other means at the same time. 搬家时一定要多说些吉祥话 Be sure to say more auspicious things when you move 每逢过年过节,父母都会教孩子尽量说些吉利的话,比如说:“恭喜发财,好运来来”,而不吉利的话则不能说,因此,搬新家的日子也跟过节日的日子一样那么重要,它可以影响到未来新家的家运。 Every new year's day, parents will teach their children to say as many auspicious words as possible, such as "congratulations on making money, good luck to come", while unlucky words can't be said. Therefore, the day of moving to a new home is as important as the day of living a holiday, which can affect the family fortune of a new home in the future. |
上一页 搬家时孕妇不要在现场特别提醒 |
下一页 大部分人搬家是为了追求更好的机会 |
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